Saturday, June 1, 2019

Terrorism and the Fight for Freedom Essay -- Exploratory Essays Resear

The Fight for Freedom Most of the time, when thinking back to the sixties, people rememberhearing almost things such(prenominal) as sex, drugs, and racism. However, what theyoften tend to overlook is the abundant emphasis freedoms had on the era.This does not just refer to the freedoms already possessed by everyAmerican of the time. This focuses on the youths fight to gain freedom orbreak away from the value and ideas left behind by the elderly generation.While some authors when writing about the sixties give serious accounts ofthe youths fights to scram these freedoms, others tend to take adifferent and more dramatic approach to showing the struggles involved inthese fights. Yet, all told of the authors have the same basic values andmessages in mind. They all, more or less, aim to show the many freedomswhich their generation was fighting for. These fights were used to help budge for freedoms from areas such as societys rules and values,competition, living for others first, and the older generations beliefs asa whole including the freedom to use drugs. The younger generation justwanted a fate to extend their own views rather than having to perpetuallysuccumb to the values and rules left behind by the older generation. The 2 different approaches used by authors to express these viewsare often representative of the two main systems used by youths to helpgain their freedoms. The first approach, taken by the Port Huron Statementand authors such as Gerzon, Reich, Revel and Gitlin, follows the ideals ofthe upstart left-hand(a). The brand-new Left represents youths striving for political changethrough cultural means. People are encouraged to work for their ideal... ... The freedoms may not be fully there, save many of the beliefs and values behind thestruggle to acquire those freedoms are still there. WORKS CITEDThe Port Huron Statement. The New Left A Documentary History. Ed. Massimo Teodori. New York The Bobbs- Merrill Co, 1969.Reich, Charles A. The Ne w Generation. American Values in Transition. Ed. Robert C. Bannister. New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972.Rubin Jerry. Our Leaders Are Seven- Year Olds. American Values in Transition. Ed. Robert C. Bannister. New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972.Rubin, Jerry. We Are all told Human Be-ins. American Values in Transition. Ed. Robert C. Bannister. New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972. Terrorism and the Fight for Freedom Essay -- exploratory Essays ResearThe Fight for Freedom Most of the time, when thinking back to the sixties, people rememberhearing about things such as sex, drugs, and racism. However, what theyoften tend to overlook is the large emphasis freedoms had on the era.This does not just refer to the freedoms already possessed by everyAmerican of the time. This focuses on the youths fight to gain freedom orbreak away from the values and ideas left behind by the older generation.While some authors when writing about the sixties give serious accounts ofthe youths fights to obtain these freedoms, others tend to take adifferent and more dramatic approach to showing the struggles involved inthese fights. Yet, all of the authors have the same basic values andmessages in mind. They all, more or less, aim to show the many freedomswhich their generation was fighting for. These fights were used to helppush for freedoms from areas such as societys rules and values,competition, living for others first, and the older generations beliefs asa whole including the freedom to use drugs. The younger generation justwanted a chance to express their own views rather than having to constantlysuccumb to the values and rules left behind by the older generation. The two different approaches used by authors to express these viewsare often representative of the two main systems used by youths to helpgain their freedoms. The first approach, taken by the Port Huron Statementand authors such as Gerzon, Reich, Revel and Gitlin, follows the ideals ofthe New Left. The New Left represents youths striving for political changethrough cultural means. People are encouraged to work for their ideal... ... The freedomsmay not be fully there, but many of the beliefs and values behind thestruggle to acquire those freedoms are still there. WORKS CITEDThe Port Huron Statement. The New Left A Documentary History. Ed. Massimo Teodori. New York The Bobbs- Merrill Co, 1969.Reich, Charles A. The New Generation. American Values in Transition. Ed. Robert C. Bannister. New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972.Rubin Jerry. Our Leaders Are Seven- Year Olds. American Values in Transition. Ed. Robert C. Bannister. New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972.Rubin, Jerry. We Are All Human Be-ins. American Values in Transition. Ed. Robert C. Bannister. New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 1972.

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